Rulings on repentance
How to Repent from Making Fun of Islam
Mocking Islam and its teachings is a serious act of disbelief that can take a person out of the fold of Islam. For those who have erred in this way, sincere repentance and a return to the path of faith are essential steps. Islam teaches that the Quran and Sunnah are too sacred to be treated with ridicule or contempt. So, it is vital to approach them with the respect and reverence they deserve, ensuring that our words and actions align with the teachings of our faith.140,409Can You Repent without Wudu or Ghusl?
Allah has not commanded the person who repents to do Wudu or Ghusl, whether his impurity is minor or major, either before or after repenting, unless he is repenting from disbelief or apostasy.44,653Will You Be Forgiven If You Mistreat Your Parents in Islam?
All this person who mistreated his parents has to do now is hasten to repent for Allah has promised to accept the repentance of the one who repents. Regretting mistreating his parents is repentance in itself. After a parent's death, one can honour them by making a lot of du`a from them, doing righteous deeds on their behalf, and honouring their friends and loved ones.11,522- 11,547
Is it essential to mention all sins when repenting?
- 109,499
Every time he improves in worship, he goes back to sin
- 213,301
Acceptance of repentance
- 49,083
Attitude towards sinners who commit sin openly
Regret Is Repentance: An Islamic Perspective Explained
Regret is repentance because it leads to the other essential components of repentance – namely giving up the sin and resolving not to go back to it, and restoring people’s rights wherever possible.75,755- 13,370
She grew up stealing, and she doesn’t pray or fast, but she wants to repent
- 23,642
Is it regarded as disclosing sin to tell the doctor about some of his sins?