Ad’iyah Mahzoorah (forbidden du’aa’s)
- Ruling on calling upon Allah by saying “Yaa Noor an-Noor (O Light of Light)”12,223
- Is There Any Du’a for Good Health?There are many sound hadiths which urge the Muslim to recite du`as for good health and protection from harms and ills such as “Allahumma inni a ‘udhu bika min al-barasi wa’l-jununi wa’l-judhami wa min sayyi’il-asqam.”89,840
- Is there any particular virtue in saying “There is no god but Allah, the number of movements and pauses”?6,457
- What is the ruling on saying “Praise be to Allah to the ultimate degree”?8,543
- Reading Quran together, giving good deeds to the dead, and al-Mawlid al-Nabawi (celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him))164,889
- Du`a for protection59,671
- The Supplication: “O Allah, if my provision is in heaven, send it down”44,993
- A Brief Introduction to the Fatwas of the Standing Committee for Scholarly Research and Issuing Fatwas58,544
- Is there a du’aa’ which a menstruating woman can recite that brings a reward equivalent to Hajj or ‘Umrah?81,373
- Can We Say “Alhamdullilah alladhi la yuhmadu ‘ala makruhin siwah”?This dua “Alhamdullilah alladhi la yuhmadu ‘ala makruhin siwah” was not narrated from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). It is better to say ‘alhamdulillah ‘ala kulli hal’.30,323