- 25,445
She received a proposal from an engineer who works in a bank – should she accept?
- 106,895
Ruling on Caesarean births
- 26,174
If he asks her to say “I accept So and so as a husband before Allaah”, does she become his wife?
- 26,805
His father refuses to arrange his marriage until he has completed his studies
- 66,094
Ruling on one who forbids marriage for himself
- 54,515
Can a person with AIDS masturbate?
- 44,644
She is asking about marrying a man who plays soccer (football)
- 65,850
Ruling on marrying a sufi woman
- 20,705
She claims that she was divorced by her husband. Is it permissible to arrange her marriage without any proof of that?
- 80,299
Should he marry someone who is above him in terms of social status?