Praised Manners
His neighbour is sick and disturbs him with his screaming; what should he do?
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She suffers from perfectionism, which leads to procrastination
Is It Sunnah to Ask for Forgiveness before Ramadan?
The one who spreads a spirit of tolerance, asks people to forgive him and strives to right wrongs and to fulfil his duty towards others, and encourages others to do that, in Ramadan or otherwise, is undoubtedly following righteousness and doing good.48,658Understanding the Essence of Islamic Life
The Islamic life is the best life that a person could live. This life requires patience and forbearance. Adherence to Islam is not something easy, rather it is like holding on to a live coal. What will help a person to do that, after guidance from Allah, is being patient in adhering to this path until he meets his Lord not being negligent or heedless. One should be certain of the promise of Allah to this Ummah of support and help.47,054Is Failing to fulfil One Right of a Muslim a Sin?
The rights that one Muslim has over another are man; some of which are individual obligations that are required of each person, and if he fails to do them he is sinning. Others rights are communal obligations; if some people do them, the burden of sin is waived for the rest. And some are encouraged but not obligatory, so the Muslim is not sinning if he does not do them.185,953Trust in Islam
Trust in Islam includes everything that Allah has entrusted to you and instructed you to take care of. That includes guarding your physical faculties from engaging in anything that is not pleasing to Allah, and guarding anything that has been entrusted to you that has to do with the rights and dues of others.116,627What Does Self-Confidence Mean in Islam?
Self-confidence in Islam means being aware of what Allah has given you of good characteristics and striving accordingly to attain that which will benefit you. If you misuse self-confidence, you will be filled with arrogance and self -admiration, which are two destructive problems.104,594Conditions of Accepting Invitations in Islam
Conditions of accepting invitations in Islam • There should be nothing objectionable in the place where the party etc. is to be held. • The host should not be someone whom it is obligatory or recommended to forsake. • The host should be a Muslim. • The food offered should be permissible for us to eat. • Accepting the invitation should not lead to neglecting a more important duty. • It should not cause any trouble to the person who is invited.185,546Characteristics of a Muslim Businessman
Characteristics of a Muslim businessman are: 1- Trade should not distract him from remembering Allah; 2- He should seek that which is permissible; 3 -He should keep away from dubious matters; 4- He should strive to be sincere and honest, and to fear Allah; 5- He should not neglect charity; 6- He should be lenient and easy-going; 7- He should give respite to one who is in difficulty, and reduce or wave his debt; 8- He should stay away prohibited transactions.11,775How Businessmen Develop Trust in Allah
Muslim businessmen can develop trust in Allah by: • Believing that Allah has already allocated provision to people, and He decreed that from eternity. • Cutting off any relationship between him and anyone other than Allah. • Being attached to Allah while taking appropriate measures and striving to earn a living. • Thinking positively of Allah and turning to Him in supplication, beseeching and asking of Him.4,948