Bad behaviour
- 20,574
If someone cheats in the exam and Allah conceals his sin, does he have to tell anyone?
- 7,634
He buys goods when they are available and plentiful, and sells them when the prices rise. Is this hoarding or profiteering?
- 3,429
He promised to give his daughter in marriage to one man, then he gave her in marriage to someone else
- 5,585
Ruling on selling programs to monitor what children do on the computer
- 6,011
The one who repents from sin is like one who did not sin
- 1,914
Does he have the right to make an agreement with someone who is working in the company that he will tell him when prices are going to rise?
- 16,116
Envy (hasad) is a vile and base characteristic, and it does not change anything of the divine decree
- 22,285
He hit his father because his father hit his mother
Ruling on Uttering Words of Kufr with Changes in Words or Letters
You are right to tell them off, because they are coming close to kufr with these words. Changing one letter does not alleviate the grievousness of their error.8,028- 9,522
What is the ruling on reading news of celebrity scandals?