Bad behaviour
- 9,139
She had a relationship with a classmate, and he has pictures of her. Should she ask him to give them back?
What Are the Private Sins Muslims Commit in seclusion?
The one who pretends outwardly to love people, but in reality resents and envies them, is regarded as being among those who commit sin when in seclusion.22,866- 103,263
Is it permissible for him to cheat a kaafir government and take money from them?
- 33,295
Relationship of Sin and Attitude to Aqeedah
- 109,499
Every time he improves in worship, he goes back to sin
Is Masturbation a Major Sin?
If masturbation happens just once in order to reduce the pressure of desire, Allah may pardon that because it is a minor sin. However, persisting in masturbation is a major sin.83,625- 11,089
Ruling on defaming and exposing offences committed by non-Muslims
- 6,078
Ruling on voting in contests and competitions for someone about whom one knows nothing
- 4,939
Ruling on asking passers-by about songs they know, then asking them about religion and the Qur’an to highlight their ignorance, and publishing that
- 16,507
Responses to specious arguments about the prohibition on masturbation (the bad habit)