Psychological and Social Problems
topics having to do with treating psychological illness, such as waswasah (whispers from the Shaytaan or compulsive thoughts), anxiety, nervous breakdown, suicide, and other family problems; discussing the main problems that Muslim men and women may face in their social relationships.
They are suffering because their children are rebelling and refusing to go to the government school
A teacher is complaining that the students do not respond to her exhortation and advice
Is It Prohibited to Change Your Gender?
While corrective surgeries may be permissible in cases of ambiguous intersex, gender transformation surgeries that aim to change one’s gender from male to female or vice versa are not allowed, as they reflect discontent with Allah’s creation and can lead to significant physical and psychological harm.152,879Suicide in Islam
Suicide is a major sin in Islam. Prophet Muhammad stated that the one who commits suicide will be punished with what he used to kill himself. Suicide is not disbelief that puts a person beyond the pale of Islam, as some people think. Rather it is a major sin that is subject to the Will of Allah on the Day of Resurrection: if He Wills, He will forgive it, and if He Wills He will punish for it. The Prophet refrained from offering the funeral prayer for one who had committed suicide, as a punishment to him and so as to deter others from doing the same. But he allowed people to offer the funeral prayer for him, so it is Sunnah for the people of knowledge and virtue not to offer the funeral prayer for one who has committed suicide.277,183- 1,925
He is being treated for addiction and finds it difficult to do the prayers and fast
Ruling on Men Imitating Women
It is prohibited for men to imitate women and vice versa with regard to clothing that is unique to one’s sex, and the one who does that is subject to the threat of being cursed. So, if it is prohibited with regard to clothing, then imitating women in one’s movements and tone of voice is even more abhorrent.153,710Punishment for Masturbation in Islam
With regard to masturbation, the basic ruling is that it is prohibited according to the majority of scholars, and the one who does it should be given a Ta`zir punishment, but it is not like Zina.299,832When to Announce Pregnancy in Islam
There is nothing wrong with telling other people about the pregnancy after you find out about it, and it is not essential to wait until three months have passed.97,127- 2,737
He is complaining that he does not feel reassurance in his heart when remembering Allah, may He be exalted
Are Women Deficient in Intellect and Religion?
1. With regard to a woman’s lack of reason, it is because women are easily swayed by emotions, which make them unable to deal appropriately with new issues that arise. 2. As for a woman’s lack of religious commitment, it is because women do not pray and fast during the days of their menses and when they are bleeding following childbirth. 3. Prophet Muhammad spoke about creating women from a rib to urge men to show kindness to women and to be patient in putting up with any annoyance that may come from them; they should not criticise women, rebuke them or belittle them. 4. Islam respects and honours women and treats them fairly and gives them their rights. Islam honours the woman as a mother, as a daughter, as a sister and as a wife.19,839