- 16,830
Some people offer condolences by saying, “May the rest of his life be added to your life”
- 7,472
Ruling on extracting the foetus from a dead woman
- 30,076
It is not permissible to show any kind of disrespect towards graves
- 8,463
Burying a kaafir in the Muslim graveyard
- 7,841
Burying kaafirs
- 7,156
Following the funeral procession of one who used to pray to graves for help
- 45,938
Should the deceased be turned to face the Qiblah when he dies?
- 15,714
Does mentioning the deceased and grieving over him harm him in his grave?
- 35,911
Munkar actions during mourning ceremonies
- 159,177
Visiting graves and attending occasions on which they say that the souls of the awliyaa’ are present