- 65,047
Is it prescribed to turn a shoe over and put it the right way up if the sole is facing the sky?
- 19,849
When should he use the siwaak if he wants to do wudoo’?
Manners of Visiting the Sick
Visiting the sick is a confirmed Sunnah. The reward attained by the one who visits the sick is likened to the harvest reaped by one who gathers fruit.206,759- 8,060
She drives her sisters to the Qur’aan school and she stipulated that they should teach her adhkaar and du‘aa’s in return for that
- 17,252
He takes home some things that the company has thrown out
- 36,255
Is there a hadith which forbids hanging out children’s and infants’ clothes (on a washing line) after the sun sets?
- 33,240
His reputation has been tarnished – what should he do?
- 63,326
Should a man listen to his wife’s suggestions and consult her about matters?
- 60,066
Reciting Surah al-‘Asr Before Leaving a Gathering
- 294,797
“When the wings of the night spread , keep your children in, for the devils come out at that time”