Belief in Allaah
Evidence of the Oneness of Allah
Evidence of the Oneness of Allah includes the following: 1- The entire universe, in the way it is created and is controlled, testifies to the oneness of Allah. 2- The creation of the heavens and the earth, the alternation of night and day, the different kinds of inanimate objects, plants and fruits, the creation of humans and animals; all of that indicates that the Almighty Creator is One with no partner or associate. 3- The variety and greatness of these created things, the perfection of their formation, and the way they are maintained and controlled, all indicate that the Creator is One. 4- The soundness of the heavens and the earth, the order of the universe, the harmony among created things, all indicate that the Creator is One, with no partner or associate.63,879Why Did Allah Create Us?
One of the greatest reasons for which Allah has created us – which is one of the greatest tests – is the command to affirm His Oneness (Tawhid) and to worship Him Alone with no partner or associate. For more, see the detailed answer.291,090- 82,161
He is Debating with a Christian and is Asking: Does God Have a Spirit?
Who Do Muslims Worship?
Muslims worship Allah, the One True God, as taught by all Prophets and revealed in the Quran. He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Ruler of all that exists. Worshipping Him alone is central to the Islamic faith, and it is through this worship that Muslims submit to His will, seeking His guidance and mercy in this life and the Hereafter.93,271Who Created Allah?
Muslims believe that all creation goes back to the Creator, Allah, Who created all things. No one created Allah. Allah created everything other than Himself.158,959- 42,332
Is there a Creator of this universe?