Between man and wife
- 68,005
Mentioning husband’s or wife’s name in front of people
- 77,014
The fact that the woman is older the man should not prevent them from getting married
Rights of Husband and Rights of Wife in Islam
The wife has financial rights over her husband which are the mahr , spending and accommodation. And she has non-financial rights such as fair division between co-wives, being treated in a decent and reasonable manner, and not being treated in a harmful way by her husband.1,377,182Is Phone Sex Between Spouses Allowed?
It is permissible for spouses to talk to each other about sex over the phone. They should also make sure that no one is listening to what they say or is spying on them.131,752- 72,028
She accuses him of being stingy and he accuses her of being extravagant
Can Husband and Wife Masturbate Each Other?
It is permissible for husband and wife to masturbate each other. It is part of the enjoyment which Allah has allowed.181,740