Answering the Call of Nature
Preventing Breaking Wind to Avoid Invalidating Wudu
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Do not pray when food is ready or when you are trying to stop yourself from doing either of the two things that invalidate Wudu (i.e., urination and defecation).” So, everything that may distract a person, keep him from being properly focused in his prayer, or worry him, should be dealt with before he starts to pray.60,344Entering the Bathroom with a Mus-haf
1. Taking the Mus-haf into bathrooms and other unclean places is forbidden because that is disrespectful towards the Words of Allah. If one fears that the Mus-haf may be stolen, then they can take it into the bathroom. 2. It is permissible to take tapes of the Quran into the bathroom.15,658- 31,528
Should he use his left hand or part of it when cleaning himself after relieving oneself?
Can You Say Bismillah in the Bathroom before Wudu?
If the place where you do wudu is inside the bathroom, then it is makruh to utter the name of Allah in this place, even though it is prescribed to say Bismillah when doing wudu. Some scholars say you can say Bismillah in your heart without uttering it.153,724Can Toilets Face the Qiblah?
It is narrated that Prophet Muhammad forbade facing towards the Qiblah or turning one’s back to it when relieving oneself. So long as you are still at the building stage, it will be more on the safe side if you build the toilets so that when relieving oneself one is not facing the Qiblah or turning one’s back to it, so as to avoid a matter concerning which the scholars differed.151,073- 25,330
What is the difference between protecting oneself and avoiding in the hadeeth about the two who were being punished in their graves?
- 21,644
Can a person who has incontinence pray with the congregation?
- 68,440
It is not prescribed to probe too deeply when checking that there is no urine
- 91,876
Which is better, istinja’ or istijmaar?
- 22,713
She relieved herself in a cup in the Haram