Purity of Exempted People
- ‘Asr and the traveller15,845
- Ruling on a traveller joining his prayers at the end of the day15,892
- How to Make Wudu and Pray in Case of Urinary IncontinenceA person who suffers from urinary incontinence and constant wind should do wudu at the time of each prayer, and pray as much as he likes with that wudu until the time for the next prayer begins.227,646
- He passes wind continually; does he have to do wudu for something else that breaks wudu in order to perform naafil prayers?12,082
- How should members of military units pray on the front line?12,356
- Praying on board an airplane when one is in a state of janaabah (impurity)15,038
- An incontinent person should make a new wudoo’ for each obligatory prayer14,550