La purificación
Can You Do Tayammum Instead of Ghusl?
In the absence of water, or if one is unable to use it due to sickness, etc., one can perform Tayammum instead of Wudu and Ghusl.117,968Can a Woman Do Household Duties when She Is Junub?
There is nothing wrong with a woman who is Junub cooking, looking after her house, taking care of her children or fulfilling any other needs.98,344Ruling on Dreaming of Having Sex in Islam
If a woman sees in a dream that someone is having intercourse with her, this is something natural, for women may experience erotic dreams just as men do. If a woman sees such things in her dream, then if something comes out of her as a result of that dream, she has to do Ghusl.230,639Can a Woman Who is in a State of Impurity Cook or Touch Things?
It is permissible for a person – whether a man or a woman – who is in a state of major ritual impurity to touch things such as clothes, plates, pots, etc., before doing Ghusl, because this person is not impure and does not make the things he or she touches impure.126,291Is Ghusl Required If Semen Is Emitted without Desire?
The most correct view is that if semen is discharged without desire, Ghusl is not required but you have to do Wudu. If the discharge of semen is accompanied by feelings of desire, Ghusl is required according to scholarly consensus.216,989- 94,563
Can he do tayammum on intensely cold days in the case of janaabah?
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It is not sufficient to wipe the head and run the fingers through the hair when doing ghusl from janaabah
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If maniy comes out after doing ghusl from janaabah
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How should a woman wash her hair when doing ghusl from janaabah?
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How to do ghusl from janaabah