Factors that Nullify Ablution
- Can You Pray With Discharge on Your Underwear?If these discharges come as the result of intimacy, then they are pure, because they are not the waste products of eating and drinking, thus they are not urine. Based on this, she does not have to wash her underwear or change them if these discharges get on them.187,294
- Does Washing Diapers Invalidate One’s Wudu?Wudu is not invalidated by cleaning a child’s urine or washing his diaper, because touching impurity does not invalidate Wudu, but it is essential to wash off the impurity if one wants to pray.130,350
- Does Changing Clothes Break Wudu?Changing clothes does not break one’s wudu if the person is in a state of purity and does not do any of the things that break wudu. Men and women are the same in this regard.194,624
- Displaying one’s beauty is not one of the things which invalidate wudu4,009
- Does Seeing Wife's `Awrah Invalidate Your Wudu?Wudu is not invalidated by seeing the `Awrah of your wife. A man’s seeing his own `Awrah or that of someone else is not one of the things that invalidate Wudu.91,856
- Wudu is not invalidated by bleeding from the body89,701
- Does Uncertainty about Sleep Depth Break Wudu?If you make Wudu, this Wudu cannot be ruled invalid unless there is certainty that what invalidates Wudu has occurred. If you are uncertain as to whether your sleep was deep or not, then your Wudu is not invalidated thereby.67,711
- Does Shaking Hands with Sister-In-Law Break Wudu?If a man touches a woman with desire, this breaks his wudu, whether the woman is a non-mahram or otherwise. The kind of touching which breaks wudu is physical touching with no barrier in between.51,392
- Things that invalidate wudu71,630
- Do madhiy and wadiy come out of a woman?73,532