The Woman's Ritual Purity
Is It Mandatory in Islam to Wash Used Sanitary Pads Before Throwing Them?
None of the trustworthy scholars have stated that a woman has to wash her feminine pads which may have traces of menstrual blood, if she is going to throw them away and not use them again.79,925Can Menstruating Women Enter Al-Masjid An-Nabawi?
Menstruating women are not forbidden to enter Makkah or Madinah. There is nothing in the texts to suggest that they are not allowed to enter these cities.145,167Can a Woman Who is in a State of Impurity Cook or Touch Things?
It is permissible for a person – whether a man or a woman – who is in a state of major ritual impurity to touch things such as clothes, plates, pots, etc., before doing Ghusl, because this person is not impure and does not make the things he or she touches impure.126,291Can You Pray With Discharge on Your Underwear?
If these discharges come as the result of intimacy, then they are pure, because they are not the waste products of eating and drinking, thus they are not urine. Based on this, she does not have to wash her underwear or change them if these discharges get on them.187,294- 20,141
How should she wipe over her hair when doing wudu, when it has hair ties and ribbons for adornment?
How to Purify Women’s Abayah If It Passes over Impurity
If the woman who gets some impurity on the hem of her garment then walks over ground or asphalt or a street or a pavement that removes the essence of that impurity, so that no trace of it is left, then her garment is purified by that, and she does not have to use water in order to remove that impurity.15,169Is Miscalculating Menstrual Purity a Sin in Islam?
Unintentional miscalculation of menses is not a sin. If a woman thinks that she has become pure and starts praying and fasting, then she realises that she is still menstruating, then she has to stop praying and fasting until she becomes pure, and she should make up the obligatory fasts that she observed during that time.117,362- 64,270
Taking pills to prevent period in the last ten days of Ramadaan
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It is not sufficient to wipe the head and run the fingers through the hair when doing ghusl from janaabah
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Putting prayers together because of being too busy with breastfeeding