Fasting of the Sick Person
Can Diabetics Fast?
1- If you suffer from kidney disease or diabetes and similar diseases where fasting will cause harm, you are allowed to break the fast. 2- The correct view regarding taking blood from veins for testing is that this does not break the fast, but if it is done often, it is better to leave it until night-time.75,710- 19,273
He has tuberculosis and the doctors have advised him not to fast for five years
Does Kidney Dialysis Break Your Fast?
A person who is suffering from kidney failure should not fast on the days when he has dialysis, then if he can make up the fast he should do so. If he cannot make up the fasts because he is elderly and cannot fast, then he should not fast and should feed one poor person for each day.26,953Who Is Exempt from fasting during Ramadan?
These are the valid reasons for breaking the fast during Ramadan: 1- sickness, 2- traveling, 3 - pregnancy and breastfeeding, 4- senility and old age, 5- intense hunger and thirst, and 6- compulsion.310,781- 63,031
Can he break his fast during the day in Ramadaan because of a medical examination?
- 19,126
He has a stomach ulcer and the doctors have advised him not to fast
- 57,926
Is it better for one who is sick not to fast in Ramadaan?
- 8,475
He was not allowed to eat because of sickness; does he have to fast?
- 43,571
Ruling on an elderly person who is unable to fast
- 34,206
He has diabetes and does not fast