Congregational Night Prayers & The Night of Decree
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Praying Taraaweeh at home/putting cream on the body when fasting
Can You Pray Tarawih Alone?
Offering Tarawih prayer in congregation is something that is established by the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).175,342- 84,027
The virtues of Qiyaam (prayer at night) during Ramadan
Verbalizing the Intention For Tarawih Prayer
Uttering the intention out loud when one is going to pray is bid`ah whether that is for Tarawih prayers or any other prayer.49,138How Did Prophet Muhammad Perform I’tikaf?
Prophet Muhammad’s (peace and blessings be upon him) i’tikaf was moderate and not harsh. He spent all his time remembering Allah and turning to Him in worship, seeking Laylat al-Qadr.51,847Conditions of I’tikaaf
I’tikaf should be observed in a mosque in which congregational prayers are held. During i’tikaf, you are not allowed to visit any sick person, or accept any invitation, or attend to your family’s needs except those which cannot be avoided.61,878Is Tarawih Prayer Bid`ah?
• How can Tarawih prayer be a Bid`ah when the Prophet encouraged us to do it and the Muslims unanimously agreed that it is recommended!? • The Prophet prayed Tarawih in congregation with his companions for many nights, then he stopped doing that lest it be made obligatory upon the Muslims. • The time for Tarawih prayer is from after `Isha’ prayer until dawn comes and there is no specific number of rak`ahs for Tarawih prayer.53,491How to Pray Witr If You Don't Know Du’a Al-Qunut
There is nothing wrong with reading du’a al-qunut from a piece of paper or a booklet in Witr prayer until one is able to memorize it. It is not obligatory for the du’a of Qunut to be in the words narrated from the Prophet.356,938- 17,564
His work hours conflict with Taraweeh prayers – what should he do?
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Praying Tarawih in congregation in Ramadan is Sunnah and not a bid’ah (innovation)