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13,68127/Jumada al-awwal/1418 , 30/September/1997

Reserving one’s grave

Question: 391

Aassalaam walaikum.

Is it permissable to reserve a grave
for oneself or member of family?


Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family.

Al-hamdu lillaah.

It is not desirable for a person to dig his grave aheadof time as this was not done by Prophet (peacebe upon him) nor by his companions. A person does not know where he willdie. If the intention of the person is to get ready for death, then preparationshould be in good deeds. (See selections of Jurisprudencewritings by Ibn Taymiyah, Funeral Rights, by al-Albani, p.160, 40th ed,Islamic Center).In otherwords, preperation formeeting Allaah, is not by digging graves. Instead, it is accomplished byoverabundance of good deeds. If it is not possible in predominantly non-Muslimcountries to have a cemetery or dedicated plot for the burial of Muslimsunless the graves are reserved beforehand (e.g., to raise the funds), thenthere would be no objection in this case.


Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

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