Can she uncover her face in front of her sister’s husband?
34,474She is going to fail her exam because of her hijab
17,290She is married to a Muslim and hijab is putting her off Islam
29,407Sitting with non-mahrams in complete hijab
32,470Is Covering the Face Obligatory?
Women observing hijab in front of non-mahram men and covering their faces is obligatory as is indicated by the Quran and the Sunnah and by rational examination and analogy.484,170Confused about women covering their faces
93,021Hadeeth about women uncovering their faces
62,743If a woman lengthens her garment by a handspan, it will lead to the garment getting dirty, so how can she pray in it?
39,094Correct view on the ruling on covering the face
123,123Should she wear hijab in front of her Christian maternal uncle?