Ruling on studying abroad
Is his preferring to work with non-Muslims regarded as taking them as close friends?
34,519Is it essential to wash plates after they have been used and washed by non-Muslims?
101,406Locally-slaughtered meat in a country with a mixed population of Muslims, Christians and idol-worshippers
20,696Ruling on eating meat slaughtered by kaafirs and using their vessels
24,877How to pray and fast in countries where the day or night is continuous
208,985Ruling on male student shaking hands with a female classmate
19,492Ruling on sponsored students staying in kaafir countries
13,703Can the Muslims pray for rain in the land of the kuffaar
9,148Is it permissible to accept an invitation to a meal from a non-Muslim in order to get close to him?
26,663Foods produced in the West, such as gelatin