Punishment and Judicial Sentences
- 12,051
Ruling on items confiscated from students who break the rules
- 27,014
He bought things and has not paid for them
Apostasy in Islam
Apostasy in Islam refers to when a Muslim becomes a disbeliever by saying a clear statement to that effect, or by uttering words which imply that disbelief, or he does something that implies that disbelief.326,113- 25,077
Ruling on avoiding paying penalties and fines for traffic infractions
Cases of Applying Capital Punishment in Islam
Capital punishment in Islam is applied in the case of apostasy, murder, adultery, waging war against Allah and His Messenger, and spying.138,269Is Repentance Valid in Islam if Punishment Isn't Applied?
If the sin has to do with something that is between a person and his Lord, then it is sufficient for him to repent, seek forgiveness, regret what he did and resolve not to go back to those sins. It is not a condition of repentance that the Hadd punishment be carried out.51,960- 19,428
If a slanderer repents, can his testimony be accepted?
Is Weed Haram?
Weed of all types is haram, whether it is marijuana or any other type. The remedy for stress and anxiety is not in smoking hashih or any other haram thing. For more, please see the detailed answer.378,468Honor Killing in Islam
In Islam, honor killing is a transgression and wrongdoing because it is killing one who does not deserve to be killed, namely the virgin if she commits fornication, but the Shar`i punishment in her case is flogging and banishment for one year, not execution.106,829- 19,694
Is hacking into banks’ websites and transferring money from them regarded as stealing that incurs the punishment of amputation?