Usool al-Fiqh
Combining the intention of offering the Sunnah prayer before `Asr and making up the Sunnah prayer of Zuhr
The five necessities and the difference of opinion as to whether preservation of faith should be given precedence over preservation of life
Some evidence from the Quran and Sunnah that scholarly consensus (ijma`) constitutes definitive proof
Types of Actions of Prophet Muhammad
The actions of the Prophet Muhammad are of different types: 1- Some of them are prescriptive (meaning that they set an example to be followed and are part of the teachings of Islam); 2- some of them are things that he did because he was a human being (and these things are dictated by human nature), such as eating and sleeping; 3- and some of them are things that may be understood either as being prescriptive or being because he was human, such as his going for Hajj riding, or his lying down after the Sunnah prayer of Fajr.16,611Categories of Actions in Islam
There are 5 categories of actions in Islam: 1- Fard (Obligatory); 2- Mustahab (Recommended); 3- Haram (Prohibited) 4- Makruh (Disliked); and 5- Mubah (Permissible).66,799Basic Principles Regarding Animals and Slaughtered Meat
The basic principle regarding the flesh of animals is that it is prohibited, not that animals are prohibited. The basic principle regarding live animals is that they are permissible, and the basic principle regarding the flesh of animals is that it is prohibited unless we know or think it most likely that they are permissible.8,491- 7,036
Response to those who say: I refer directly to the Qur’an and Sunnah, with no need for scholars
- 6,324
Acceptance of da‘eef hadiths as evidence by the Hanbalis and others
What Is Shari’ah?
Shari’ah refers to the entire religion of Islam, which Allah chose for His slaves, to lead them forth from the depths of darkness to the light.19,978- 18,917
What is required of the ordinary Muslim is to follow the scholars of his city and not to follow any view other than theirs