Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings
Is it obligatory to provide non-essential luxuries for children?
Something that Islam urges people to do is show kindness to relatives and be generous to one’s children, according to what one can afford. The refusal of some parents to provide non-essential luxuries may be justified, so it should not be a reason for the children to complain, because that is usually done in their best interests, immediate or long-term.12- 1,226
What is the ruling on a small amount of impurity (najasah) left after cleaning oneself with pebbles, if it gets onto the body or clothes?
- 1,238
Is it permissible for the mother to take some of the wealth of her children who are in her custody?
- 2,082
Is it permissible for the pilgrim in ihram to wear an umbrella hat that sits directly on the head?
- 1,113
If someone who is renting or hiring some facility or service stops making use of it with no excuse, is he obliged to pay the fee in full?
- 3,498
Wife refusing to fulfil her duties towards her husband because he is not spending on her
Is it prescribed in Islam to make oneself weep during prayer?
Weeping during prayer is one of the outcomes of humble submission (khushu‘) in prayer. As for making oneself weep, there is a da‘if (weak) hadith that has been narrated concerning it; if it is sahih, what is meant is bringing sorrow into the heart and focusing, not making sounds by weeping artificially.2,111- 1,296
What is the ruling on accepting change in a different currency when buying something?
- 3,255
What is the ruling on eyebrow gel, curling eyelashes, lip moisturiser and alternatives for perfumes?
Is it permissible to rest on the knees and toes when sitting for the tashahhud and between the two prostrations?
If someone is unable to sit in the Sunnah manner between the two prostrations or in the tashahhud, it is permissible for him to sit resting on his knees.1,806