Shirk and its different forms
Can You Ask the Prophet for Help?
Calling upon Prophet Muhammad and asking of him, besides Allah, and seeking his help is a major Shirk (polytheism) that puts one beyond the pale of Islam.68,743Ruling on Seeking Help from Other Than Allah
Asking for help from anyone other than Allah is a kind of calling upon (or making Du`a to) someone other than Allah, hence it is a kind of shirk.90,140Can Prophet Muhammad Hear Us?
There is nothing in the Quran or the Sunnah to indicate that Prophet Muhammad can hear every Du`a or call from human beings. Rather it is proven that the only thing that reaches the Prophet is the blessings and Salams of those who send blessings and Salams upon him.215,218Does the Ringing of the Ear Mean bad omen in Islam?
There is no basis for regarding ringing in the ears as good or bad omen in Islam. The Muslim has to put his trust in Allah. Regarding things as bad omens is a kind of belief in evil omens, which Prophet Muhammad declared to be false and stated that it is a form of polytheism.95,961- 2,939
Ruling on Addressing the Jinn and Angels
- 7,808
How to rid oneself of major hypocrisy
Does Resenting Polygamy Take a Woman out of Islam?
The believing woman should be content with the fact that Allah has prescribed polygamy, and she should believe that there is wisdom in it and that it serves an interest. She should not resent this ruling, even if she has a natural aversion to the presence of a co-wife who competes with her, just as men dislike fighting a war.11,852- 7,149
Is it permissible to worship the Qur’an or to worship the hand of Allah, may He be exalted, because they are attributes of His?
- 18,591
The one who dies not associating anything with Allah will enter Paradise, and the one who dies associating something with Allah will enter Hell
- 5,216
The meaning of the words “May Allah curse the one who slaughters an animal for the sake of anyone other than Allah”