Food & Nourishment
Can We Accept Food and Sweets from Non-Muslims?
It is permissible to accept a gift from a non-Muslim because he is a relative or neighbour, or for the purpose of softening his heart and calling him to Islam, but it is prohibited if it is done out of love. With regard to fish, sweets and vegetables, there is nothing wrong with eating them, unless it is known that something prohibited has been put in them, such as alcohol or lard (pork fat).133,086Is Genetically Modified Food Permissible in Islam?
Until it is proven that genetically modified crops and plants are harmful, the basic principle is that these plants are permissible and it is permissible to eat animals that have been fed on these plants, but it is also essential to be cautious about what these plants may cause in the future, and it is essential to follow up on research and information about these plants.29,637- 79
Verdict on adding a small amount of alcohol or wine to food or drink
- 2,289
Is it permissible to eat pizza if it has been cut with a knife that was used for cutting pork?
- 1,802
Ruling on sweets which contain a very small amount of alcohol
- 1,864
Is it haram to eat foods containing hydrogenated oils?
Is Eating Testicles Permissible?
It is permissible to eat the testicles of lawfully-slaughtered animals, as there is no evidence to suggest that it is not permissible, and the basic principle is that things are permissible. Eating shrimp and crab is permissible and there is no reason not to eat them, because of the general meaning of the evidence which indicates that everything caught from the sea is permissible.159,452Is Nutmeg Prohibited?
The majority of scholars are of the view that it is prohibited to use nutmeg in small and large quantities. Others are of the view that it is permissible to use a little of it if it is mixed with other substances.248,098- 4,921
Ruling On Vanilla Essence
- 6,159
Sea creatures that give birth to live young and those that lay eggs are all permissible to eat