Basic Tenets of FaithView›
Answers: 119
Subcategories: 6
Basic Tenets of Faith

Hadith & its SciencesView›
Answers: 72
Subcategories: 4
Hadith & its Sciences

The Quran and its SciencesView›
Answers: 131
Subcategories: 3
The Quran and its Sciences

Fiqh of the familyView›
Answers: 111
Subcategories: 18
Fiqh of the family

Principles of FiqhView›
Answers: 12
Subcategories: 2
Principles of Fiqh

Knowledge & PropagationView›
Answers: 8
Subcategories: 2
Knowledge & Propagation

Psychological and Social ProblemsView›
Answers: 272
Subcategories: 2
Psychological and Social Problems

Islamic history and biographyView›
Answers: 67
Subcategories: 3
Islamic history and biography

Pedagogy education and upbringingView›
Answers: 13
Subcategories: 2
Pedagogy education and upbringing

Backbiting and Gossip
Backbiting About a Non-Muslim and Complaining to Seek Advice
23,333Backbiting in Islam and Its Expiation
Backbiting in Islam means speaking about a Muslim in his absence and saying things that he would not like to have spread around or mentioned.355,871Can You Backbite a Non-Muslim?
It is permissible to backbite a non-Muslim if he is a Harbi (one who is at war with the Muslims) because Prophet Muhammad used to command Hassan to lampoon the pagans. Backbiting a non-Muslim is impermissible if he is a Dhimmi because Prophet Muhammad said ‘Whoever makes a snide comment to a Dhimmi has earned Hell.’125,256Forgiveness of Victim of Gossip
118,235Condemning People on Internet
24,350Repentance From Backbiting and Informing Victim
58,258Complaining to Husband About Relatives
47,040Mentioning Faults of Female Servants in Women’s Gatherings