Science of hadith
The hadith “The true mujahid is the one who strives against his nafs in obedience to Allah”
Commentary on the hadith “Whoever forsakes (his brother) for more than three (days) and dies, will enter Hell”
Which Surah Is Equal to half of the Quran?
The Hadith about Surat Az-Zalzalah being equivalent to half of the Quran is inauthentic. Yet, some scholars of the Salaf followed this Hadith.52,049Is there anything in the Sunnah to indicate that it is not allowed to eat again shortly after eating?
There is no proven report to indicate that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) forbade eating again shortly after eating, but that is known from doctors. What is soundly narrated from the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is that he urged people to eat little and not to eat more than they need.Difference between Hadith and Sunnah
The term Sunnah is applied to the guidance which is well-established in a general sense in all of the affairs of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), meaning his path, his methodology and his way. Hadith refers to every incident that is attributed to the Prophet, even if he only did it once in his life, and even if it was narrated from him by only one person.57,715- 2,089
Sound reasoning does not contradict sound, proven religious texts
- 8,859
Marrying relatives and the hadith “Choose strangers for marriage”
Hope and Fear in Islam
What is required of the Muslim is not to despair of mercy and not to feel safe from punishment; rather they should be in a state between hope and fear, because Allah has condemned those who feel safe from punishment and has condemned those who despair of His mercy.13,127What Will Happen on the Day Of Resurrection?
Sequence of events on the Day of Resurrection: 1- When the people are resurrected and rise from their graves, they will go to the land of gathering. 2- When they have stood for a long time, Allah will first bring forth for His Prophet his cistern to which people will come. 3- Then the people will stand for a long time, then will come the great intercession – the intercession of the Prophet who will ask Allah to hasten the reckoning for all people. 4- After that will come the examination of deeds. 5- Then after the examination will come the reckoning. 6- After the first reckoning, the records of deeds will fly [to the people]. 7- Then after the reading of the records, there will be a further reckoning to leave no room for excuses and establish proof by reading what is in the records. 8- Then after that the balance will be set up, and the things that we have mentioned will be weighed. 9- Then after the balance, people may be divided into groups and categories, with people of similar calibre being grouped together. 10- Then after that, Allah will cause darkness to prevail just before people reach Hell – we seek refuge with Allah. 11- Then the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) will come first, and will be standing on the Sirat. 12- The first to enter Paradise, after the Prophet will be the poor among the Muhajirun and the poor among the Ansar, then the poor among the Ummah.25,658- 9,369
Commentary on the words of Anas ibn Malik: “One of the slave women of Madinah would take the Messenger of Allah by the hand and lead him wherever she wished”