Quranic Exegesis
The Meaning of Taghabun: Insights from the Quran
The Arabic word Taghabun (great loss or deprivation) comes from the word Ghabn, which means loss when buying or selling, or selling someone short. The Day of Resurrection is called Yawm At-Taghabun because of what will become apparent on that day of the loss of those who followed disbelief and misguidance, for they have sold their Hereafter for the sake of worldly gain. So their loss will become apparent and whatever profit they made will perish.9,097A discussion of the miracles of the prophets and the signs of Allah with which He supported them
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Allah's Name Al-Qayyum as Proof of His Existence
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Tafsir of Quran 83:9
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Understanding meaning of life
Commentary on the verse {The sun cannot catch up with the moon} [Ya-Sin 36:40] and its connection to solar and lunar eclipses
What the verse means is that the sun cannot rise at night, because the night is the time for the moon to rise, and the moon cannot rise during the day, because that is the time for the sun to rise. Solar and lunar eclipses do not come under the heading of the catching up that is referred to in the verse.3,490- 3,018
What is meant by the trust which Adam took upon himself, and when did that happen?
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Meaning of the verse {and [yet], do not forget your share of the world}
The Only Religion in the Sight of Allah
Islam is the only religion in the sight of Allah. It is the religion that was revealed to all of the prophets, including Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. Islam is based on the belief in Allah, and the submission to His will.14,752- 3,879
Does Allah’s pleasure extend to all of those who swore allegiance at al-Hudaybiyah?