- Maintenance after Divorce in Islam1. The irrevocably divorced woman is not entitled to maintenance or accommodation, unless she is pregnant. 2. Mut`ah is only to be given to a woman who is divorced before consummation of the marriage. 3. If a husband has issued a first or second divorce to his wife, and has not taken her back before the `Iddah ended, then she is entitled to maintenance during the `Iddah. 4. If the ex-wife is the one who has custody of his children, she may request payment for taking care of them. 5. The husband must spend on his children, which includes accommodation, food, drink, clothing, school costs, medical care and all that they need.114,433
- Do You Have to Give Mahr Back After Divorce?A wife may be required to return the Mahr to her husband if she seeks Khul` and no fault is attributed to him. However, the specifics of this requirement can be influenced by issues surrounding the case, like family dynamics, and the individual circumstances.62,851
- Is Sham Marriage Allowed in Islam?There is no such thing in Shari`ah as sham marriage (on paper). The sin is further compounded if it is done in order to do something that is prohibited, such as one who uses it to avoid giving people their rights or paying debts to them, or if a woman uses it to get help given to divorcees by a state or institution, or so that she can live in a non-Muslim state where it is not permissible for her to reside, and other invalid, forbidden aims.46,738
- Rights of Women after Divorce in Islam• If a woman asks for divorce because the husband is not fulfilling her rights, then he should give her all her rights in full which include the full dowry and reasonable maintenance. If the divorce is irrevocable (a third divorce), then she is not entitled to maintenance or accommodation. • If the woman has custody of her children, then the husband must also give her the payment for custody and breastfeeding and maintenance for the children. • If the woman asks for divorce for no reason, the husband may ask her to return the dowry that he gave her, in return for divorcing her. Consequently, the woman loses the rights of full dowry, reasonable maintenance, payment for custody and breastfeeding, and maintenance for the children.65,553
- Why Is Divorce in the Husband's Hands?The reasons why divorce is in the man’s hand are: • The husband is the one in whose hand is the marriage contract, so he is the one in whose hand is the dissolution of this contract. • The husband is in charge of the woman. • The man is more perfect in reason than the woman, and more far-sighted, so you do not see him choosing to divorce unless there is no alternative.62,336
- He issued a conditional divorce and forgot what he said2,063
- Is Conditional Divorce Valid?1. When a man says to his wife, “If you do such and such then you are divorced,” or, “If you do not so such and such then you are divorced,” this is a conditional divorce. The majority of jurists are of the view that this divorce counts as such when the condition mentioned is fulfilled. 2. If a husband divorces his wife at a time of anger, that does not mean that the divorce does not count, as many people think, except if the anger reaches such an extent that the man loses his reason and is not aware of what he is saying, in which case it does not count as a divorce according to scholarly consensus.71,934
- Moving Child Away Due to Husband's Inability to Maintain Them2,324
- He swore that he would not go near his wife for two months, and if he did so, she would be divorced1,899
- Implicit Divorce3,946