Invalid Marriages
Is mut`ah marriage valid if it is done with a guardian and witnesses?
Mut`ah marriage is temporary marriage; it is prohibited and invalid according to the majority of scholars, and it was narrated that there was consensus on its being prohibited, whether it is done with or without a guardian and witnesses.Is Sham Marriage Allowed in Islam?
There is no such thing in Shari`ah as sham marriage (on paper). The sin is further compounded if it is done in order to do something that is prohibited, such as one who uses it to avoid giving people their rights or paying debts to them, or if a woman uses it to get help given to divorcees by a state or institution, or so that she can live in a non-Muslim state where it is not permissible for her to reside, and other invalid, forbidden aims.46,738What Is Tahlil Marriage?
1. Tahlil marriage is prohibited and invalid, and it does not make it permissible for the woman to go back to her first husband. 2. It is not permissible for the man who issued the divorce, or for the woman, to use tricks to get around the laws of Allah and get back together by means of what is called a Tahlil marriage.40,515- 6,127
He did a marriage contract with a woman with the intention of making it permissible for her to go back to her first husband, then they both wanted to remain married
- 21,079
A Christian woman had a civil marriage, and she wants to have an Islamic marriage with another man without the first husband having divorced her
Types of Shighar Marriage
• Shighar marriage is prohibited according to the teachings of Islam because of what it involves of injustice towards the woman and denying her rights, as well as exploitation of the position of guardianship. There are three types of Shighar marriage in Islam. • If it becomes clear to a person that his marriage was done on the basis of Shighar, then he must annul this marriage and do a new marriage contract, fulfilling all the necessary conditions, and he must specify a dowry for his wife that they agree upon.26,321- 13,035
She got married in a tahleel marriage and he divorced her, but now she wants to remain with the second husband
Can a Muslim Woman Marry a Christian?
Muslim scholars unanimously agreed that it is prohibited for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim, whether he is Jewish, Christian or anything else.214,196- 13,849
A Christian man married to a Muslim woman wants to help her to fast
- 41,376
She married a non-Muslim and he refuses to become Muslim