Things which annul marriage
- 67,663
Effects of marriage resulting from an illicit relationship
- 17,647
He wants to marry a non-Muslim woman who became Muslim, but her husband has not divorced her
- 13,333
Apostasy of both spouses from Islam and the impact of that on their marriage contract
- 54,961
Ruling on one who commits zina after doing the marriage contract and before consummation of the marriage
- 37,292
They committed zina and got married before they repented; do they have to do a new marriage contract?
- 157,182
Marriage after a haraam relationship in which there was no zina
- 55,668
Effect of apostasy on marriage before and after consummation
- 14,854
He married her after she became Muslim but she does not pray
- 37,762
Marrying a woman from the people of innovation, and are conditions stipulated by the woman’s guardians binding?
- 103,644
Ruling on marrying an atheist