- 11,971
If he said to his wife, “You are thrice haram for me,” what is the ruling on that?
- 37,957
Rulings and issues for a husband who discovered a romantic relationship between his wife and another man
- 39,536
Guidelines on what constitutes consummation of the marriage and ruling on divorce of one whose husband has been alone with her, at the time of menses
- 38,204
If he said to his wife: “Go back to your father’s house,” does that count as a divorce (talaaq)?
- 10,915
If a man divorces his wife before consummation of the marriage, she becomes haraam for all of his offspring
- 14,945
He said to his wife: “If you leave the house, then you are divorced.” Then she left the house, then she came back and told him in an arrogant and sarcastic way that she was divorced
- 11,606
He divorced his wife after the end of the forty-day postpartum period; does this divorce count as such?
- 20,024
It is not permissible for a Muslim to refer for judgement to man-made laws or to take more than he is entitled to
- 10,620
He divorced her for a third time because he thought that she had been spying on him, but the second divorce came during a period of purity when he had had intercourse with her
- 36,358
Can I ask for a divorce because of my resentment towards my husband?