Zakah on Goods of Trade
- He Does Not Have Cash to Pay Zakah on Trade GoodsYou must pay Zakah on the land which has been in your possession for a year. You have to determine the value of the land at the end of the year and pay one-quarter of ten percent. If you do not have cash to pay the Zakah on trade goods, then it becomes a debt that you owe and must be paid whenever possible.13,305
- There is nothing wrong with paying the zakah on trade goods in goods themselves18,637
- He put his building up for sale and sold it a year later. Does he have to pay zakaah on it?8,049
- Zakaah on shares12,347
- Zakah on shares in real state companies10,070
- He is asking about paying zakah on the profits of a company only26,789
- The difference between shares and stocks55,132
- Are printing materials subject to zakah?10,744
- Do We Pay Zakah on Shares?1- If the shareowner intends to trade in shares and make a profit, then zakah is due on the commercial shares, both on the price of the share and on its profit. 2- Zakah is due on profits from manufacturing companies if it reaches the nisab and one year has passed, but no zakah is due on shares in such companies except for the cash reserves of the company. 3- In the case of agricultural companies, zakah is due on the value of the shares in crops or produce, if they are of types on which zakah is due, subject to the condition that the amount of shares reaches the nisab, which is 300 saas. zakah is also due on the value of shares in the company’s cash reserves. 4- Zakah on shares in companies is one-quarter of one-tenth, i.e., 2.5%.67,882
- Is the value of trade goods based on the selling price or the purchase price?32,821