Voluntary Charity
- 14,135
“Help us to buy winter blankets”
- 35,018
How do we know when 'Ashura is this year?
- 37,131
Ruling on giving everything one owns in charity
Differences Between Zakah and Sadaqah
Zakah means worshipping Allah by giving that which He has enjoined of different kinds of zakah to those who are entitled to them according to the guidelines of the Shari’ah.199,250- 24,503
Charity given during one's lifetime is better
- 53,594
The difference between ongoing charity (sadaqah jaariyah) and other kinds of charity
- 206,315
Ahadith about the virtue of sadaqah (charity)
- 10,446
Prohibition on buying something which you have given in charity
- 13,389
In order for the reward of charity on behalf of the deceased to reach him, is it essential for it to be given from the wealth of the deceased?
- 8,777
Giving money collected in a charity box to a charity other than that which ownsthe box