Ruling on jobs
- 19,839
He works in a company in which there is a restaurant that sells alcohol and pork
- 42,375
Working in auditing offices when there is riba in the companies’ accounts
- 90,548
Ruling on taking part and working in savings accounts
- 21,600
Ruling on working in a programming company that has another section which designs websites for advertising alcohol
- 15,595
Working in the Islamic section of a bank even though there is mixing
- 47,071
He is working in a store and is afraid that they will ask him to carry pork to the trucks
- 46,284
His boss gave him the choice between reducing his beard or leaving the job
- 10,736
Can he work as a typist in a law office that defends criminals?
Can You Do Wudu with Hijab On?
It is permissible for a woman to wipe over her Khimar (head cover) in the case of necessity, such as when it is very cold, or it is difficult to take off her Hijab and put it back on.104,396- 48,059
Is it permissible for her to pray in front of employees at work?