Calling to Islaam
- How Should a Muslim Survive Living with Toxic Roommates?If a Muslim student cannot find any place to live except the place where there are toxic roommates, there is no blame on him for living with them. However, he should not sit with them when they do objectionable things, and if he sees them do anything of that nature, he should tell them not to do it and remind them.7,101
- They live in the west and are asking about appropriate ways of calling people to Allah10,036
- Ruling on her sitting with her non-Muslim parents when they are drinking alcohol26,878
- She has recently become Muslim and is concealing her Islam from her domineering kaafir father8,498
- Help for New Muslims to Learn more about Islam146,312
- Praying for kaafirs to be guided36,433
- She wants to become Muslim but her mother and grandmother are opposed to the idea17,732
- Should he tell a non-Muslim all the details of Islam?22,253
- Should he encourage a relationship between a Muslim man and a kaafir woman so as to protect her from evil and call her to good?!22,044
- Ruling on those who are not reached by the call of Islam11,893