Ruling on jobs
- 17,650
The management at work force him to wear a uniform that has a cross on it
Is it permissible to make bookings for someone who is going to travel and commit evil deeds whilst travelling?
There is a difference between one who undertakes a permissible journey but commits an evil deed whilst travelling, and one who travels expressly for the purpose of committing evil deeds. It is permissible to help the former with his journey, unlike the latter As your work involves making bookings for official delegations whose journeys are for permissible purposes, there is no blame on you for making bookings for them, and whoever commits prohibited deeds whilst travelling, he is the one who will bear the burden of the sin for that in full.16,217- 42,562
Ruling on working in a restaurant that sells pork or in a beauty salon to pay tuition fees
Can One Work as a Cashier Where Pork is Sold?
The cashier is the one who handles the sale directly, so it is not permissible for him to sell prohibited things, and he is sinning every time he sells a prohibited item.36,523- 14,059
Ruling on working as a technician in an airline company that serves alcohol to passengers
- 15,124
He wants to alter his certification in order to get the job
- 12,165
Is he responsible for the death of the one who was hurt in this accident?
- 20,899
Working as a lawyer in a country that is ruled by something other than that which Allah has revealed
- 101,327
Should he sit with his colleagues at work when they are drinking alcohol?
- 21,423
Woman working in the perfume business