Obligation and virtues of fasting
- The reason why fasting is prescribed104,217
- How to Prepare for RamadanHow to Prepare for Ramadan: 1. Sincere repentance 2. Du’a (supplication) 3. Rejoicing at the approach of the blessed month 4. Discharging the duty of any outstanding obligatory fasts 5. Seeking knowledge 6. Hastening to complete any tasks that may distract you from doing acts of worship. 7. Sitting with one’s family members to tell them of the rulings on fasting. 8. Preparing some books to read 9. Fasting some of the month of Sha’ban 10. Reading Quran111,185
- The Muslim in Ramadan95,852
- How can he give da’wah to Muslims who do not fast in Ramadaan?20,418
- Suggested program for the Muslim during Ramadan86,546
- Is Fasting Compulsory?Fasting is compulsory on a person if he fulfils five conditions: 1- He is a Muslim, 2- He is accountable (mukallaf), 3- He is able to fast, 4- He is settled (not travelling), and 5- There are no impediments to fasting.80,171
- Offering congratulations for the beginning of Ramadan34,060
- Are there any saheeh ahaadeeth which speak of the ransoming of the living and the dead during Ramadaan?17,373
- Types of FastingThe different types of fasting are five: 1- obligatory fasting, 2- forbidden fasting, 3- encouraged fasting, 4- disliked fasting and 5- permissible fasting.47,151
- He wants to start fasting on the fourth day8,656