Things which invalidate the fast
What Breaks Your Fast
There are 7 things that will invalidate the fast: 1. Intercourse 2. Masturbation 3. Eating and drinking 4. Anything that is regarded as coming under the same heading as eating and drinking 5. Letting blood by means of cupping and the like 6. Vomiting deliberately 7. Menstruation and nifas812,617Can You Put Eye Drops While Fasting?
The view favored by Ibn Taymiyyah is that putting eye drops while fasting does not break your fast.200,249Does Madhiy Break Fast?
Emission of madhiy does not break the fast according to the more correct of the two scholarly opinions whether that is because of kissing one's wife, watching movies, or other things that provoke desire.247,931Accidentally Eating after Fajr: Is the Fast Valid?
There is strong evidence for the view that the one who eats or drinks after Fajr or sunrise by mistake, his fast is valid and he does not have to make it up. However, it is better for him to fast a day later.80,136Can You Fast without Ghusl?
The fast of one who has intercourse with his wife at night and wakes up in the morning in a state of janabah (major ritual impurity) is still valid. For more, please see the detailed answer.366,236Does a Coma Break Your Fast?
If a man falls into a coma in Ramadan for the entire day – i.e., from dawn until sunset – his fast is not valid, and he has to make up the fasts he missed. If he was awake for part of the day, then his fast is valid.17,697- 24,444
The muezzin gave the adhaan seven minutes before the proper time and they broke their fast
Does Talking to the Opposite Gender Break the Fast?
The fasting person is enjoined to fear Allah and to do what He has commanded, and to avoid what He has forbidden. Talking to the opposite gender does not break the fast but it takes away from the reward of fasting.61,597Does Food Stuck in Teeth Break the Fast?
If you are able to expel the food stuck between the teeth but you do not do so and you swallow it, then you have invalidated your fast. If you swallow the food stuck between the teeth involuntarily, then your fast is valid.87,372Is Smoking in Ramadan Haram?
Smoking is haram whether in Ramadan or outside Ramadan. Smoking invalidates the fasting because the smoke contains particles that reach the stomach138,379