The Description of Prayer
- Can You Pray Sitting Down?It is not permissible for you to pray sitting down in obligatory prayers unless you are unable to stand, or standing is very difficult for you, or you are sick and there is the fear that your sickness may become worse if you pray standing up. It is permissible to pray sitting down in optional prayers, even without an excuse, but the reward of the one who sits in that case is half the reward of one who stands279,634
- Can You Pray with Shoes in front of You as Sutrah?There is no doubt that shoes are big and three dimensional, but they should not be used as a Sutrah, because shoes are customarily regarded as dirty, and you should not have them in front of you, when you are standing before Allah.30,361
- Raising the Hands in PrayerProphet Muhammad used to raise his hands to shoulder level when 1- he started to pray, 2- when he said “Allahu akbar” before bowing in Ruku`, 3- and when he raised his head from Ruku`, and 4- when standing up after the first Tashahhud for the third Rak`ah.276,642
- He wants to learn the Tashahhud83,881
- Adding the words wa’l-shukr after rising from rukoo’25,399
- How the hands are to placed on the chest in prayer74,059
- Is there a difference in the way men and women prostrate?124,212
- The way in which women pray is the same as the way in which men pray113,332
- Their imam forgot a prostration then he repeated the rak’ah, but some of them did not repeat it56,745
- Omitted second tashahhud by mistake18,388