Friday Prayer
Joining the Jumu`ah Prayer During Tashahhud
If you catch up with the Imam after he has stood up from Ruku`, this means that you have missed the Jumu`ah prayer. But if a person does not catch up with the prayer for a reason that is beyond his control, then there is no sin on him.40,301- 25,008
He missed Jumu‘ah and prayed Zuhr, then he found a mosque where they were praying Jumu‘ah
Is Combining Jumu`ah and `Asr Permissible?
It is not permissible to combine `Asr with Jumu`ah in the cases where it is permissible to combine Dhuhr and `Asr. If a traveler passes through a town and prays Jumu`ah with them, it is not permissible for him to combine `Asr with it.73,923- 19,911
Sending blessings upon the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) during Jumu’ah
What Are the Virtues of Jumu’ah Prayer?
Many hadiths have been narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) which explain the virtues of Jumu`ah prayer. Please see below.134,398- 9,737
Reading Qur’aan over loudspeakers before Jumu’ah
- 55,840
Doing ghusl for Jumu`ah is prescribed as Sunnah when getting ready to go to the prayer
- 11,018
Can one use the miswaak during the khutbah?
What Are the Recommended Acts of Worship on Friday?
1. Friday is a good day. There are many hadiths which speak of the virtues of Friday. 2. There are many acts of worship which are recommended for the Muslim to do on Friday such as offering Friday prayer, making a lot of du’a, sending a lot of blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and reading Surat al-Kahf.135,334- 38,581
When do the first and second “hours” on Friday begin?