Optional Prayers
Istikharah Signs
The correct view is that after one prays Istikharah and recites the Du`a, a sign that one should go ahead with the matter is when Allah makes things easy. The existence of obstacles and difficulties is an indication that Allah is pushing His slave away from doing it.159,804Can You Pray Sunnah before Adhan?
The regular sunnah prayers that are offered before an obligatory prayer must be done after the time for the obligatory prayer begins.135,072Virtues of Qiyam Al-Layl
Qiyam Al-Layl is a confirmed Sunnah. Qiyam Al-Layl plays a great role in strengthening one's faith and helping one to do good deeds. Allah praises those who have faith and are pious for their noble characteristics and good deeds, one of the most special of which is Qiyam Al-Layl. It is one of the means of avoiding the punishment of Hell and attaining Paradise. The Prophet said: “The best prayer after the obligatory prayer is prayer at night.”183,951Can You Pray Duha at Work?
If offering Duha prayer will not affect the work for which you are responsible, then there is nothing wrong with offering the prayer.4,666- 32,062
Praying Taraaweeh at home/putting cream on the body when fasting
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Should he do more tawaaf or more prayers in al-Masjid al-Haraam?
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The virtues of Qiyaam (prayer at night) during Ramadan
Can I Fast Ashura Before Making Up Missed Ramadan Fasting?
If you fast the tenth and eleventh of Muharram with the intention of making up missed Ramadan fasting, that is permissible and will make up for two of the days that you owe.47,085Can Istikharah be Done Any Time?
If istikharah has to do with an immediate matter that cannot be delayed until the time when prayer is not allowed is over, then it may be done. If istikharah is for something that may be delayed, then it must be delayed.76,553Can You Pray Sunnah after Fajr?
There is no Sunnah prayer after Fajr prayer. Before Fajr there is a Sunnah ratibah prayer (established Sunnah) which is two rak`ahs.309,760