prohibition on songs and music
- 238,185
When is it permissible to beat the daff?
- 89,313
Is it permissible for her to listen to music whilst exercising?
- 32,116
She loves Islamic nasheeds and they take up a lot of her time
- 46,320
Ruling on religious songs; and is it a sin to listen to songs in stores and on public transport?
Is Singing and Dancing Haram?
It is not permissible for women to dance in front of men, non-mahrams, mahrams or women because of the fitnah that may be caused by the movements of the body.241,026- 29,641
Military music is haraam
- 16,367
Going to a hairdresser who plays music
- 11,973
Musical tunes on cell phones are haram
- 20,654
Is it permissible to play tapes of nasheeds with the daff and men’s voices in wedding parties?
Is Music Haram?
Music, musical instruments and singing are haram in Islam. This prohibition is supported with evidence from the Quran and the Sunnah. For more, see the detailed answer.1,812,090