Business and Financial Transactions
- 27,044
Buying beautiful birds because of their colours and voices
- 25,701
Ruling on buying products on which there are images
- 8,987
Selling gold that contains zircon stones for the price of pure gold
- 23,286
The car will not be put in his name until he pays the last installment
- 21,485
Ruling on down payments
- 14,018
Ruling on selling cologne and perfuming oneself with it
- 33,045
Ruling on rent-to-own schemes
- 168,490
Boycotting the products of kuffaar who are hostile towards Islam
- 16,710
It is not permissible to buy a product then sell it when it is still in the warehouse of the first vendor, before it has been moved
- 25,402
He bought a car by installments from the bank, then he sold it so that he could use the money to get married