Inheritance and distribution of the estate
- Inheritance of a woman who contributes with her husband to the household expenses and savings
- Inheritance is not connected to breastfeeding
- He died and left behind a wife and children; some of his children died during his lifetime and some died before his wife died. How should the estate of the spouses be divided?1,381
- If someone dies and leaves behind the children of his siblings and a paternal cousin, how should the estate be divided?1,605
- Grandchildren do not inherit from their grandfather if he has a son or sons still living1,968
- Should a young girl receive a share from all of the estate?If the girl’s guardian thinks that it is in her best interests for her share of the estate to be all gold, or all cash, he may do that, with the consent of the other heirs. But if each heir insists on taking his share of each type of wealth, then they have the right to do that.1,717
- His paternal uncle gave him some money to donate, then he died. What should he do?1,647
- The mother’s estate4,214
- There is a new Muslim sister whose mother left all her wealth to her in her will, although she has other heirs. Should she take one third only?3,896
- When the testator dies, his estate is transferred automatically to his heirs, and it is not permissible for anyone to withhold division of the estate3,666