Forbidden Transactions
Selling gold in carpets when its amount is unknown
Is It Permissible to Sell Gifts and Toys?
It is permissible to sell products that people give as gifts, such as toys, flowers, cards and the like, provided that they do not involve anything prohibited. With regard to toys and teddy bears, if they are for children, there is nothing wrong with dealing in them.117,180Is Nutmeg Prohibited?
The majority of scholars are of the view that it is prohibited to use nutmeg in small and large quantities. Others are of the view that it is permissible to use a little of it if it is mixed with other substances.248,098Can a Muslim Work as a Web Designer?
1- If you are a web designer and someone comes to you and you know that he wants to design a website that he will use for prohibited purposes, then it is not permissible for you to design the website for him. 2- If you do not know anything about the reason he is asking for website design, or if the site will most likely be used for permissible and beneficial things, then there is nothing wrong with you designing it and selling it.58,918- 4,807
Is it permissible for a woman to buy and sell during Jumu‘ah prayer?
- 4,190
Ruling on selling cakes and desserts to a pub in which alcohol is drunk
- 4,985
Ruling on the seller saying “I was offered such and such for the item” when he is lying
- 2,074
Ruling on selling assayed control serum to medical laboratories
- 4,169
Ruling on making sweets and the like in the shape of animate beings, and on selling them
- 4,214
Business transactions