RSU (Restricted Stock Unit)
- 1,347
Ruling on investing money in the International Diamond Bank
What Types of Deposits Are Allowed in Islamic Banks?
If the bank adheres to investing the deposits in permissible projects without guaranteeing the customer’s capital, and agreeing with the customer on a defined share of the profits, then there is nothing wrong with making investment deposits in this bank, and there is also nothing wrong with opening a current account with it.28,641Wealth in Islam
Wealth in Islam may be a blessing if it is used for purposes that are pleasing to Allah, and to help one obey Allah. It may be a calamity if it is used for evil purposes, or if it makes one proud and arrogant, or it distracts him from obeying and remembering Allah.39,741- 1,566
Building a school with a real estate investor by means of a share system, in which the profit is a percentage of the value of the shares
- 6,878
Ruling on dealing with forex and avoiding leverage
- 4,375
Ruling on subscribing to Islamic accounts in forex
- 2,413
Dealing in forex and what may be regarded as being like the immediate exchange
Is It Permissible to Invest in Silwana Diamond?
If Silwana Diamond Company or any company does not meet the following conditions, then it is not permissible for you to invest in that company: 1. The field of investment must be permissible. 2. There should be no guarantee of the capital. 3. It is obligatory to agree on a percentage of the profit. 4. The company should avoid borrowing money with interest or putting its wealth in interest-bearing accounts (Riba).5,034- 3,902
Ruling on making a down payment to buy an apartment that is under construction, and ruling on receiving interest on that payment