Business Contracts
- 1,336
He shows a sample of the product and supplies it to the one who orders it, after having it made
What Prophet Muhammad Said about Business
Prophet Muhammad’s advice on business: 1- He used to enjoin traders to be righteous and honest and to give charity. 2- He used to enjoin people to be tolerant and easy-going in buying and selling. 3- He used to give people their rights and urge others to do likewise. 4- He used to urge people to let a buyer cancel the transaction if he regrets it. 5- He used to bargain with people when buying, but he would not go so far as to undermine the real value of the item 6- He used to urge people to give a little more when weighing. 7- He used to enjoin people to give more time for a debtor who is in financial difficulty, or to waive the debt. 8- He forbade transactions involving Riba and transactions involving ambiguity.85,803Is It Permissible to Make Profit from Website Ads by Buying Ads for 1$?
It is permissible to invest in advertising websites if: 1- joining the website is for free; 2- the ads are for permissible things; 3- the participant should not use software or paying websites to give the impression that there are a lot of visitors; and 4- what you will gain should be known, so every click should be worth such and such. If you have to pay a dollar to join the website, then it is prohibited to join it.2,736- 3,907
Buying apartments by instalments before construction
- 2,105
Should he work for a company that sells original-brand inks and others that are counterfeit?
- 6,336
Ruling on working in a job selling counterfeit clothing and paying a bribe to bring it into the country
- 5,121
Ways of obtaining people’s emails for the purpose of marketing products to them via e-mail, and the ruling thereon
- 3,586
He is working with an agent to import from overseas in return for commission from which he pays a percentage to the bank to finance purchase of the goods
- 5,788
Ruling on using CASHU credit cards
Selling Online Before Taking Possession of Items
1. It is not permissible to sell an item online on the internet before taking possession of it and moving it from the distributor’s place. 2. It is permissible for the purchaser to pay the price via the payment processor in return for 2% of each transaction. 3. Acting as a proxy in return for a fee is valid if the distributor agrees to that and regards you as his agent, in return for commission that he pays to you. 4. It is not permissible for the customer to pay installments through the payment processor and it comes under the heading of Riba.28,349