(Unity of) Divinity
- Why Do We Worship Allah?Allah explained that the reason why we should worship Him alone is that He is the only one worthy of worship and praise, because of His perfect Essence and sublime attributes. The main motive for worship should be what Allah has of majesty, greatness and perfection, and what is unique to Him of the attributes of divinity and Lordship. The second motive is the blessings that Allah bestows upon His slaves and His kindness towards them, for hearts are inclined to love the one who is kind to them.24,952
- Can You Ask the Prophet for Help?Calling upon Prophet Muhammad and asking of him, besides Allah, and seeking his help is a major Shirk (polytheism) that puts one beyond the pale of Islam.68,743
- Types of Love in IslamLove in Islam may be divided into specific love and general love. Specific love may be divided into permissible love and prohibited love. General love is of three types: 1- natural love; 2- love based on mercy and pity; and 3- love based on acquaintance and friendship.61,783
- Asking of Allah by Virtue of the Quran, Angels, Prophets and Companions1- It is permissible for the supplicant to ask of his Lord by virtue of the Quran, because that comes under the heading of seeking to draw close to Allah by virtue of one of His attributes. 2- The most correct scholarly view is that it is prohibited to seek to draw close to Allah and ask of Him (Tawassul) by virtue of the Prophet. 3- Seeking to draw close to Allah by virtue of created beings comes under the heading of reprehensible innovation, and is objectionable according to what is commonly known among people and on the basis of the wording itself. 4- Seeking to draw close to Allah by virtue of the trumpet blast, and the progeny of Nuh, and the caliphate of As-Siddiq, and the courage of ‘Ali, and so on – is something that came about as a result of the supplicant’s attempt to be poetic and make things rhyme [in Arabic], without thinking about the meaning.11,245
- The idols of the grave worshippers6,540
- If he says of something that his friend did, “You made it happen,” is that regarded as shirk?7,314
- Worship is love and veneration; it is not burdensome and difficult21,762
- Why do some of the scholars disallow tawassul by virtue of the status of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)?85,697
- Refuting the notion of those who say, “We are not worshipping You for fear of Your Hellfire or for hope of Your Paradise”28,063
- The hadith about the blind man and his seeking for his need to be met by virtue of the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)27,800